In all honesty, I wasn’t feeling qualified enough to review Ethyrfield’s new classic rock EP Taurus, as I don’t have a leather jacket, a pornstache, or a perm, but I endeavoured to push on and give it a go, and I’m glad I did, because this EP fucking rocks.
Taurus is Ethyrfield’s second EP, following the release of their self-titled EP in 2017, and it wastes no time in getting straight into the action, slapping you in the face with an opening riff that seems to have quantum-leaped here from the late 70s on “Igniter.” Though the main riff may get a little repetitive, the chorus is incredibly solid, and will have you skipping back to the 0:53 second mark to listen to it repeatedly.
“Free the Dog,” is probably the standout track on the EP, though all of them are belters, but “Free the Dog” has a fun, groovy flow that weaves its melodies seamlessly together to make a gratifying song. “Never odd or Even,” bursts with frenetic and psychedelic energy, which again makes transitions as smooth as silk, which is a credit to these blokes as songwriters.
The EP ends with the eponymous track “Taurus,” which again laces psychedelic melodies with solid, rocking riffs that evoke the imagery of cruising down a highway in an old Chevy on a breezy summer’s day, taking in the rolling scenery.
Taurus is a well-balanced, solidly produced release that provides every instrument with enough space to move, without one or the other ever feeling overpowering (I giggled with glee at hearing some of the fat bass lines underlying the foundations of each song). The guitar tone is nice and crisp with just the right amount of old school fuzz, and the drums are tight enough to hold everything together. The musicianship on Taurus is to be admired; the songs, while simple overall, show enough proficiency to ensure that the songs never get dull, and the solos on the EP are just as enjoyable to behold.
Clocking in at just over 17 minutes, this is not an overly long affair, but it is just enough to satisfy your nostalgia, and leave you craving more. Taurus is a rock-solid second effort by an astoundingly young and talented band that displays a world of potential and possibility, and is absolutely worth your time and money. Frankly, I cannot wait to listen to whatever Ethyrfield puts out next.
8/10 Riffs
FFO: Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Kansas, Steppenwolf