Chaplain are doomy death metal from coventry, Uk, never a bad combo in any degree, lets get stuck in.
Just ignoring the artwork is not easy to do its is bizarre and amusing and very striking....oh yeah so song well its raw but has clear production starting with a odd acoustic intro to CHUG MANIA with vocals violating your ears, The song is not what i expected at all from death doom combo i was expecting saturnus, doom:vs etc but this is just OSDM and that in no way is a bad thing, I am curious how a album would sound and maybe they have more doomier tracks etc i can hear the doom influences.
Either way the track is fun and heavy and some great moments with tempo changes which gives it that ompf and is effectively used making it a enjoyable listen! it does make me want to hear a album by them so hopefully they send me that too. HINT HINT
Overview: Grit and riff this track shows what Chaplain are about and they are taking no prisoners.
8.5/10 RIFFs