Aghora are from florida, USA and play progressive metal/technical metal fusion...that's quite the mouthful...
I am a bit late to the party with these guys (about 20 years too late) since they are on their third release which is named 'Entheogenic Frequencies' better late than never and with a fresh head going in.
First off the production in this is raw(ramsey voice) sounding but very finessed, it's almost like they recorded the whole album live and did a EQ mix..
It's not the kind of production i come to expect from these kind of bands which have very polished and extremely well/ overproduced records BUT after getting through this record i can say it benefits it fully and il explain why!
The dynamics of the band are in full exposure here from the small to the large moments in the songs from the heavy and technical riffs to the dexterous bass playing and the drums strength and impact is present all the way through but remains present and clear in the mix but also its hard and precise work from the musicians and not fix it in the mix attitude.
The fact that they managed to maintain all this without a overproduced sound is actually impressive it only compliments the band if you see them live i assume it would translate seamlessly and you won't walk away disappointed but have a sore neck and need to find the pieces of your brain afterwards for sure, One of the influences of this band i think is 'Rush' due to the driving bass and the way the songs don't have wasted note and no filler but i'm guessing there..
The musicianship level of these guys is incredible the dynamics and to and fro riffing with the bass and guitars sowing a almost musical dance in the tracks are only ever complimented by the precise and flowing drums driving the song forward to their conclusions, I love instrumental bands tbh because it gives them complete freedom to play with structures and time signatures etc i am aware they have a vocalist but unsure to why she wasn't present in the record, I have never heard prog getting a dose of death metal like these guys delivered it's definitely unique and the use of synths and other instrumentation in this is incredible and effective and dont feel thrown in and the bass being very present makes me happy
Overview: Raw progressive death metal with the grace of a butterfly, Aghora are easily one of the best progressive bands i have come across in years and i can only hope to catch them live one day.
9/10 RIFFS